분류 전체보기
BH Lee, TH Mai, JT Song, JH Kim (2017) The Arabidopsis thaliana NGATHA1 transcription factor acts as a promoter of a general differentiation program and a carpel identity factor.
2020.10.07 by 생수정수기
SH Reeder, BH Lee, R Fox, AA Dobritsa (2016) A Ploidy-Sensitive Mechanism Regulates Aperture Formation on the Arabidopsis Pollen Surface and Guides Localization of the Aperture Factor INP1.
2020.10.07 by 생수정수기
BH Lee*, SH Kwon*, SJ Lee, SK Park, JT Song, S Lee, MM Lee, Y-s Hwang, JH Kim (2015) The Arabidopsis thaliana NGATHA transcription factors negatively regulate cell proliferation of lateral organs.
2020.10.07 by 생수정수기
BH Lee*, JO Jeon*, MM Lee, JH Kim (2015) Genetic interaction between GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR and CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON in organ separation.
2020.10.07 by 생수정수기
BH Lee, JH Kim (2014) Spatio-temporal distribution patterns of GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR expression and leaf size control.
2020.10.07 by 생수정수기
거주증명서 없이, 한국운전면허증을 스페인운전면허증으로 교환 in Barcelona
2020.10.06 by 생수정수기
스페인 비자신청을 위한 미국 범죄수사경력회보서 받는 법
2020.09.30 by 생수정수기
스페인에서 한국운전면허증 번역 공증받기 (TIE 카드 불필요!)
2020.09.16 by 생수정수기